Endlosung, have you asked him about all these things, including his treatment of his own children/g/children and packrat ways? If not, why don't you ask him?
Frannie Banannie
JoinedPosts by Frannie Banannie
trying to understand
by endlosung ini do not have any formal education in this area, and so do not know all the terms that go along with my situation, but will do the best i can to describe the confusion i am having.i was raised a jehovah's witness, yes i now realize it is a cult with c.for 39 years i was held captive in this destructive mind control destructive cult.i left and several years ago and so did my wife, she left with me even though many in the cult will let it split up their relationship rather than leave the deluded comfort of their fantasy world.both our parents were raised in this so called religion, as is the norm, once in you are not allowed to date any one outside of the cult, once in you will be excommunicated or as they call it disfellowshiped for any number of infractions, including celebrating any holiday,voting,smoking a cigarette,saying outloud you do not think jehovah's witness are gods sole channel of communication on earth.
once a jw you can be disfellowshiped for talking to,having dinner with, or in any way socializing with any former member who is now disfelowshipped including your family member,i.e.
brother,mother,sister,father, uncle ect.my wife's parents live apx.
Is it wrong?
by Frannie Banannie inis it wrong to give people hope when they've been diagnosed with an illness that can lead to much pain and death if not treated successfully?.
i ask this because i just got a pm from an angry poster over my posting the following link and info on an antibiotic that bbc carried the news in regard to and was being researched by camcer research uk: http://www.rense.com/general58/anti.htm.
also, i noticed that mary replied with this link to yet another site that showed a study at a university in canada had turned up another cheap, safe drug that kills cancer cells: http://www.wanderings.net/notebook/main/cheapsafedrugkillsmostcancers.
Frannie Banannie
Thanks, Crumpet, FinallyFree and OUTLAW. I feel the same way.
Lee, I don't think it will be pursued. This is the message I got: ( I replied)
ex-nj-jw, according to medical researchers in Canada and the UK and the BBC, their findings prove that antibiotics actually can reduce and hold off the production of cancer cells. Of course, the one that Mary posted is about yet another drug that kills the cells, but I'm not sure what type. But thanks for your support, chere.
Frannie: We strongly discourage posting private PMs on the board
Is it wrong?
by Frannie Banannie inis it wrong to give people hope when they've been diagnosed with an illness that can lead to much pain and death if not treated successfully?.
i ask this because i just got a pm from an angry poster over my posting the following link and info on an antibiotic that bbc carried the news in regard to and was being researched by camcer research uk: http://www.rense.com/general58/anti.htm.
also, i noticed that mary replied with this link to yet another site that showed a study at a university in canada had turned up another cheap, safe drug that kills cancer cells: http://www.wanderings.net/notebook/main/cheapsafedrugkillsmostcancers.
Frannie Banannie
Is it wrong to give people hope when they've been diagnosed with an illness that can lead to much pain and death if not treated successfully?
I ask this because I just got a PM from an angry poster over my posting the following link and info on an antibiotic that BBC carried the news in regard to and was being researched by Camcer Research UK: http://www.rense.com/general58/anti.htm
Also, I noticed that Mary replied with this link to yet another site that showed a study at a university in Canada had turned up another cheap, safe drug that kills cancer cells: http://www.wanderings.net/notebook/Main/CheapSafeDrugKillsMostCancers
Is it wrong in your opinion to give these people hope by means of this info?
I don't believe it is. I think if there is absolutely ANY means by which an illness that kills can be stopped, it's worth looking into.
Classical music anyone?
by zagor inlately i've been listening more and more to classical music.
went to several concerts, opera and a ballet..
just wondering if anyone else loves classical music or maybe modern incarnations like styles of vanessa mae, maxim mrvica, bond, amici and alike.
Frannie Banannie
Yes, I truly love classical music and good operas. Don't have favs, but don't like morbid tunes and some are.
JWs claim disfellowshipping is biblical!
by greendawn inregarding disfellowshipping the jws claim it is a policy necessary to keep their organisation spiritually and morally clean so that they won't lose the grace of the holy spirit and run further risks with dangerous influences.
they even say if the disfellowshipped want they can always repent and will be gladly reaccepted into communion with jw brotherhood so it's up to them to remove any anguishing shunning.
though this may appear to be a reasonable belief it is not quite as straight forward as it seems.
Frannie Banannie
Murder, outright slaughter of whole cities and crowds of people, mayhem, fornication, adultery, theft and having more than one wife are also biblical.
So is MERCY.
Anonymous = Modesty
by Perry ini asked my mother one time why no one ever signed the articles that were written in the wt and awake.
she said that were just being modest and did not want to receive undo praise for themselves but wanted to direct all the attention to jehovah and that they were really proving themselves to be discreeet.. do jw's still repeat this reason?
Frannie Banannie
Yep, Perry. That's the explanation that's usually given.
However........now that I know the truth about the "truth," it seems more than likely that it enables the writers to have merciful anonymity in case their written predictions and declarations prove to be "less than faultless." It all falls back on the GB, which are *supposed to be" in oversight over all the "light" generated through the mags allegedly via the Holy Spirit.
conspiracy theories after leaving or being disfellowshipped
by rosalyn ini need some feedback on treatment after leaving or being disfellowshipped: not necessarily about how you were shunned by family members, ex-friends etc.
but please don't hold back if you would like to let me know about that aspect.
i may relate one or two situations of my own if this thread gets going.. what i am looking for is: did you notice anything that might have been taken as attempts to discredit your name, sanity, credibility etc.
Frannie Banannie
I have a dear friend who is going through a hellacious time right now with some scary thoughts on such possiblities. He has sometimes felt that they might even be following him.
Barbara, your friend sounds as though he has complex PTSD from his experiences within the WTS. Paranoia is a sure bet, because it's one of the symptoms. I'm familiar with this particular aspect of the healing process, because I experienced it a great deal after leaving the WTS. I was isolated and had no one to talk to, didn't seek counseling upon exiting the WTS for 7 years.
I had written letters to the GB AND after my df'ing, I went on a letter-writing campaign, writing letters exposing the WTS scriptural shortcomings and mailing copies of these letters all over the world to all of the WTS branch offices. I felt that they might kill me, because my letters were probably doing a lot of damage. I snicker to myself about my imaginings now, but they were very real to me then and I was totally paranoid.
It would be a good thing for you or your friend to peruse the "Best of....." section of this forum where Lady Lee has compiled a lot of info on the trauma that occurs to those exiting a restrictive religious cult and make copies of the info on these particular threads:
Your friend might want to have a copy of the second post in the following thread ( http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/16/57203/1.ashx ) to take with him when he seeks counseling. The info will help him and his counselor to better understand what he's going through. And if your friend finds that his counselor is not understanding, tell him to keep looking until he finds one that DOES understand. Not all of them are in the psych field to actually help people.
Hope this helps.
Strange Progressive Dreams
by Casper ini have been widowed twice, once at 28 and again at 41.... .
since that time i had vivid dreams of both husbands.
my first husband, started out with me looking for him, everywhere.
Frannie Banannie
Not me, Casper. But I've heard that dreams are our brain's way of processing and finding solutions for things that occur in our lives. Sounds like your brain works very well. :)
How help my JW-fiancée with her trouble with some JW-family-members?
by Zana ini am 29 years old, not a jw (never been one, never ever gonna be one), but i am engaged to one (27 years old) and we have marriage-plans for the end of this year.
we are getting along more than great, no real troubles about this religious topic in our relationship (so no need to write me some of those run-and-hide-posts .
and we are talking about her family: two sisters are quite dedicated jws, the mother is studying with them, the father died a few years ago and her 4 brothers don't care at all about the jws.
Frannie Banannie
Zana, that situation with your fiance's sisters shunning her is a tough nut to crack. Is there any way that her mother could intercede with the sisters and calm them down? It's obvious that the mother doesn't shun her and is understanding, since yall have plans to be married.
If you had to, what religion would you choose to be?
by Crumpet inyou can answer this as seriously (lt) or as inanely (buttlight) as you like!
i was reflecting having read someone's thread about blowing off non jw family that actually it would have been so much better if i had a larger family, preferably not completely jw saturated and this random train of thought led me to thinking that if i could choose i would be catholic, because then i would have a huge family, go to really nice gothic churches with lots of candles and tortured saints and be able to go to confession (instead of lt's mobile).
also the colours of the whore of babylon always were a lot more enticing to me than the mild blues and undistracting beiges of the khs.. i think we all have religions which would suit our personalities so much better.
Frannie Banannie
If I just HAD TO be part of a religion, I'd sure as hell want to be part of one that actually has a God that WORKS for the GOOD of mankind and the earth.